Saturday, September 23, 2006 i don't watch Saudi Channel 2:P but yesterday i turned on the channel by accident and a "mo7a'9ara dineyah" appeared (as always!)
a woman called and asked if it was 7aram to wear a jeans! and the shai5 answered her "no, it's forbidden to wear jeans unless it was infront of women and they should be very very very loose...and you can wear them infront of your husband too but it's not necessary, it's better to wear a skirt!

are they really that sick!!!
it's JEANS for crying out loud!
ya nas we're in 2006 and their still discussing this!

and ooh another thing to piss you off...9aro ennas y7armoon el "braises"!! i swear!! and their reason is (as they say) that the braises t'3ayer 5ilgat allah but you can only wear them if your teeth were very crooked!

efff ma 5allo shay ella Oo 7arramoh..


Blogger Dude! said...

Stupid shai5, What's wrong with jeans??
Its blue, its thick, and it covers your legs, WHATS WRONG WITH HIM?!?!

W kaman ilbraises, ilyom ramadan w I dont want to curse and swear.

5appy Ramadan !

1:29 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

they say ennu it's tashabboh bil rejal! ya5i whatever!!

5appy ramadan to you!:P

2:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

3aib 3aleekom, i think that they know better then u so just stop saying stupid w madree sho, i wear jeans its not that i dont, but y3nee est7oo 3ala wayehkom, theyre scolars and u guyz shouldnt be saying OFFF and sayong theyre sick and all that rubbish just cause u dont like what theyre saying which is totally right, 9edg yoom galo inas, KSA poeple are the worst, ur so DUMB, if u dont like what ISLAM is saying, then do what most KSA ladies do, run off to the UK or USA and say that islam is treating u bad and u want to become a FREE woman and do whatever u want..
ur saying ina its 2006 and theyre still discussing wether 3adi ylbsoon jeans or no, sho tbeen when its 2010 they discuss wether its 7aram or 7alal to PRAY FOR ALLAH ??

seriously ur brain is so fucked up u KSA ladies, '6a'36een 3alekom fe kil shay that estweto matfkron wether anything is 7alal or 7aram, u just wanna do what u like !!
8asam billah, u KSA people mob chayfeen 5air, 9edg ina 5asara you were min (ar'6 alla el 7aram)you dont deserve to live there a9lan ..
ur so fucked up u psychos ..

3:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

ohh and cold u said jeans are think and blue and cover ur legs ..
i think u forgot to say tooooooo tight that they show ur body ?!

*that is if ur wearing tight jeans*

3:39 PM  
Blogger zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

اول شي بوقت الرسول صلى الله عليه و سلم كان مستحب انه المرأة تلبس سروال سنه تحتها.

((ثانياً ((هذا الكلام موجه للشي اللي فوقي
مو عيب علينا..عيب على اللي ما عنده سالفه بالدين و يقعد يتفلسف زي حضرتك انتي و هو
و بعدين لا تجين تحكمين على كل الشعب يا متخلفه
و احترمي غيرك لوسمحتي

صدق ناس ما تستحي

4:49 PM  
Blogger mei said...

anonymous lawsam7tey aw alwsam7t enta 3eeb 3aleek kamaaaaan

4:56 PM  
Blogger Dude! said...

Tsk Tsk Tsk anon.
Allahomma inny 9ayem, I dont want to say anything bad because of someone that doesnt deserve anything, Whats wrong with you??
Maybe because you didnt eat you saying dumb stuff or you are dumb min zaman?

5:01 PM  
Blogger Dude! said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

5:01 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

yeah mn jd i totally agree with what sexycow said.

Oo a9lan enti bayn ennu ma 3indik salfa Oo bs tebeen titfalsafain mn 3indk and twist my words! and you seem such a "Saudi-hater" Oo 7a8da 3alaina ya wa8i7a

Oo el7een eash da55al being a free woman with my post! i was talking about things that aren't based on 7aram or 7alal and now ppl are saying ennu it's 7aram and you said it yourself that you wear jeans so la titfalsafain okay!!!

5:02 PM  
Blogger zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

lol klna 6beina 3aleeha

5:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

looool 7leelkom ento el s3oodyeen, walla tksroon el5a6er, lo hob 3shan KSA w elka3ba elli allah 7af'6enha, chan KSA is bombed mn zmaaaan, tksron el5a6er loool

9a7 tara ana knt 9ayma w fa'6ya w glt bared 3ala '3aba2kom, wala ana doom ma af'6a 7ag habal el KSA malkom hatha ..

8:45 PM  
Blogger Dude! said...

Finally I can curse, look here bitch we can say whatever we want so just fuck off.

If you dont like the blog DONT COMMENT, if you do say polite things.
I'm not fa'9i to chat with a bitch like you.

I bet your ugly (I dont know why but you write like an ugly person) BITCH

10:13 PM  
Blogger Dude! said...

Pardon my rudeness ladies, except for you anon bitch

10:16 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

cold, thanks dude;)

and anony, i'm not gonna reply to your stupid comments anymore
cuz it's a waste of time!

and everyone do not reply to her yestahal.

11:08 PM  
Blogger Dude! said...

Yeah I'm being childish :P lol

11:22 PM  
Blogger Taqo said...

Excuse me, anon...but I think ur wrong. Dead wrong.

First of all..there is NO sound proof which says wearing "jeans" or "pants" is fil Quraan..wla fil sunnah. So any "Fatwa" saying that they are just an opinion, nothing more. Nothing less.
Lw mn jid jabooly Daleel aw sabab m8ni3...I would have nothing to say. But until now...No one has.

I dont see how wearing jeans is tashboh bl rijal. There are ALOT of things that both men + women wear.

"ur saying ina its 2006 and theyre still discussing wether 3adi ylbsoon jeans or no, sho tbeen when its 2010 they discuss wether its 7aram or 7alal to PRAY FOR ALLAH ??"

-- Weyn r7ti? Y3ni 5eeeyr? :I
Just because someone doesnt agree with what el shei5 el fulaani said regarding jeans...then you think you have the right to question their faith?!
Now fucked up.

Btw, stop being such a prejudiced asshole. Jaya titfalsafeen lana 3n el Deen...but then have the nerve to say something like "seriously ur brain is so fucked up u KSA ladies".

Pfffft. Whatever.

You obviously think you are better than "us ksa ladies" just because of the mere fact that you are not a "Ksa lady".
Someones sounds a bit mutkabira, too me.

O feh 7adeeth. "Lan yd5ul el jannah mn kan fe galbuhee mith8al 7abatin mn el kibr" (aw feh ma m3naah)

Sorry blackorchid! :*

12:29 AM  
Blogger wastedchix said...

ha ha ha ha ha
u just made ur self sum nice enemies there, welcome to the club orchid .. we have jackets for members looooooool

i will say this just once and if u don't agree u can go FUCK ur selves (sorry orchid for my language)


2:32 AM  
Blogger Nouph said...

omg, I didn't see this one coming..
Anon, why u so angry at us "KSA people".. So it's ok to say "Fuck" but not ok to wear jeans, are you for real!! And why are you an anon huh??
Weird how some people act religious then throw a couple of raciest comments.. Religion is not only what you wear, what you hear, it's in your heart and what you think..

Now about the post:
It is true that a lot of mashay5 here make a big deal out of nothing, bas the braises!! Now it's ta'3yeer 5lg allah, wesh ngool 3ala el plastic surgery ajal!!
~Ramadan mobarak BO ;)

7:52 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

lol u people, i never said i'm relegious, cause i am not, w i never said wearing jeans is 7aram, what got to my nerves ina into ga3deen tsboon elmshayee5, 5ala9 lo ma3eyabkom kalamhom u should shut th fuck up, cause i'm 100% sure ina they know better then u asshole(eli ga3deen ysbon elmshaye5) GOSH u people r freaky ..
btw u should block anonymous comments, and i'm an anon cause i dont do this BLOGGING stupid thingy of u childish people ..

9:34 AM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

why would i block the anonymous comments bs 3ashanik!

i won't.

eff mn jid taraki 6afashteena
5ala9 we all made our points Oo etha mo 3ajbik ajal engal3i okay ma7ad '3a9bk te8rain my blog.

10:02 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


esfahi ;)

4:53 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

mn jd!

sure thing mnew;)

5:00 PM  
Blogger ghoweljlsfqwef said...

Anonymous I'm wearing loose jeans right now, and I have a huge erection, do you wanna come suck my cock now or after Iftar???

2:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


7:40 PM  
Blogger zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

هنا ارحمك..كل المتخلفين يجتمعون عندك

8:32 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

dude thats gross!

sexy cow,
yeah ana mla7'6a
faj2a kan el maw'9oo3 3an deen and now 9ar porno lol

8:45 PM  
Blogger Rimyoleta said...

OMG u gotto be kidding me!!
shei5 '3areeb!

6:01 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

MRRA '3areeeeeb:S

mn jd he needs to!

- welcome to my blog =D -

4:25 PM  

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