Guy: ana ray7 le London Oo Italy Oo ba5ith transit le Jeddah.
100% 63sah: ee marra 7lwa.
Guy: wsho 7lwa?
100% 63sah: transit. ana marra a7baha bs 9deegati yekrahoonha.
((la7'6o ennaha she thinks that "transit" is a country :P:P) )
100% 63sah: Oo a7issaha marra romanciya.
Guy: *silence*
GOD! if you don't really know what transit means then just shut up! you don't have to make a fool out of yourself :P
ooooh btw abla Mariam has a T-Shirt that says "let's get physical"
i wonder where she got it from :P
PS i hate men!! (at the moment)
100% 63sah: ee marra 7lwa.
Guy: wsho 7lwa?
100% 63sah: transit. ana marra a7baha bs 9deegati yekrahoonha.
((la7'6o ennaha she thinks that "transit" is a country :P:P) )
100% 63sah: Oo a7issaha marra romanciya.
Guy: *silence*
GOD! if you don't really know what transit means then just shut up! you don't have to make a fool out of yourself :P
ooooh btw abla Mariam has a T-Shirt that says "let's get physical"
i wonder where she got it from :P
PS i hate men!! (at the moment)
ajal ana AWWAL "guy" that will comment..7arash..hate me hate me!..let's see what ur made of (6)..ahh..just got my everyday dosage of irritating and annoying ppl :P..fallah
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i said i hate men not boys.
el7een i'm the one thats irritating you!:P:P
good one :'(..I'll have to admit that..I'll be back next time o awareek :@!
Kaaak :P Dam ina mat3irf tiskit:P
*crack knuckles*..your on my list black orchid..beware ((msawwy a5awwif :$))..i shall saddid wa7da fe wajhik just like u did to me :P
lool the poor girl. she thought if she pretended that she knows what a transint is then that would make the guy think more highly of her,but she got exactly the opposite :S.
didnt any other other teacher approach her and tell her the usual routine story teachers (or other people) tell every1 who wears something with english written in it(how do you wear something with a language not you know whats really written in there?even if you know some english you dont know all the words,dont you know that there was a guy bla bla went to america blabla bought a t shirt to westernize himself and the t shirt had the writing(my son is for sale) on it then he cried an went back to his senses bla bla and returned home).
PS: you have to use the (ed'3am be'3onnah style when you read this story out loud).
if i was gonna take your last comment personally then i would say:
but i wont,take it all out on the guys they deserve it.
men jed its a niktah!
<-- men jed is laughing b9oot 3aly!
lol she's stupid:P
dude you're so funny :P:P
ana esta'3rbt that no one told her about it cuz we do have some teachers y3rfoon english.
and oooh she was wearing it today (again) shaklaha marra 3ajbat-ha the t-shirt :P
PS i didn't get the "ed'3am be'3onna thing" :P lol
7atta ana when i first heard about this story i was literally rolling on the floor laughing!! =D
"let's get physical" ?
LMAO!!! miskeena this teacher of urs.. I bet that she doesn't even noe wut does it mean =P...
& the girl..
If I was in her place I would go home and never show my face again..
Om il tafsheela LOOOL!!
ed'3am b'3onna..tajweed 9af sadis mdry 5amis
anyway, :| labasat the "let's get physical" shirt today..
:$ t'thakkartk <3
ee 6ab3an she doesn't know what it means, otherwise ma kanat labasat the t-shirt. lol
bil3aks the gurl thinks ennaha she's "cool" :P:P
sta'3farallah knt fashla bil tjweed bil ebtida2y :P
i never understood it.
LOL awwwww :P
lol is this for real?
sheesh mskeena >< !
hm would u plz ask abla mariam where she got her tee from?
i want one :( :P
t5ayyali as2alha, she'd be like wtf?! :P
i want one too. lol
ya jema3a ana ray7a transit anyone wanna go wiz me?:P i heard its really romantic LOL maskeena :|:|
welcome to my blog :D
exactly :P
Lo0oL hilarious stoRy.
ive heared too that a girl told a guy once that her phone was reception -> she means "esteGbaal"
due to not payin her phone bill !!!!!!
hopefully they he was not the same poor guy !:P
Catch ya later,
lil 2asaf yeah :S
LOL '3aba2 :P
awwww miskeeeeena!
i wish i could tell abla mariam what her shirt means, bs 7aram ma ab'3a afashilha :(
LOL! habla ... ya bnti isketee mo lazm il falsafa :P
Lmao !!
Our fi8h teacher mra labasat shirt maktoob 3leeh "Sexy".
y7lilha..39abat when girls started giggling @ it.
I was fashila in tajweed too. Knt mra "Duh", lol.
yeah mn jd :P
LOL a7isaha she's not even sexy.
The question is WHO IS SHE TALKING TO?
someone way better than her =P
"let's get physical"
and speakin' of "transit", take this (true story):
a guy was takin' a girl out and they stopped by Dar El-Qahwa:
him: what would you like 2 have?
her: Cappuccino
him: ma3 Teramisu?
her: ha? la bedoon
apparently o5tana was thinkin teramisu was a flavour!
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