Tuesday, April 18, 2006

You guys really piss me offfff

Whats wrong with girls these days and marriage? is that all their interested in or what?
I'm really getting sick of them and their absurdity!!
Their not supposed to be thinking about getting married when their only 16 or 17 ((yeah some people might disagree with that!)) but come on, seriously are there really any girls these days that are actually responsible, mature and even ready to start a family.......NO!! Girls these days are just girls! their not even women!
I for instance, would never think of getting married at this age...cause yeah i do agree that i'm not that responsible sometimes, plus i wanna live my life to the fullest! so why throw that away?!

One of my so-called-friends got married, and it's really sad to see how everything could just change in a minute! she even droped out of school....droped out!!!!!
You see what i mean...this is how things turn out when your only 16!

So girls don't get married just cause the thought of it sounds cool or something...but think about what your really getting yourself into and if your actually ready for that big commitment or not.

Sunday, April 02, 2006


there's a disgusting 40 year old saudi guy that wanted to add me on myspace...and he actually sent me a freakin' message that i really didn't get and didn't even make any sense to me!

he said....LETS MAKE A PEACE WITH A MASTERS www.kahane.org 00966551370537 majid almajid = israel twin

'Israel Twin' WTF does that mean?! and ummm whats with the phone number thing!!!

i replyed to him by saying....I don't understand what you want exactly... and NO i'm not going to call you!!!!

he sent me back...I NEED MEDIA AND TV PRODUCTIONS PEOPLE CONTACTS www.israelnntv.com ISRAEL TWIN =MAJID ALMAJID 00966551370537 P.O. BOX 300618, RIYADH 11372, SAUDI ARABIA

uhhh again....i have no fucking idea what that means!!!!

Here's his profile Majid madri eash EEW!
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