Thursday, January 11, 2007

abla jawaher: ana Oo banati ma 3ndena jawazaat
gurl: *puzzled* 6yb ma tsafroon?
abla jawaher: leash nsafer barra...ngdar n9ayyef fe abha Oo el 6ayef
(err...el7een 3ala balha abha is like paris or something?! :S)
gurl: *no comment*

Oo t5ayalo she doesn't have a tv at home! banat-ha yro7oon 3nd their grandfathers house 3ashan yshofoon 8anat "al majd"
i don't get them, y3ni ya 8anat al majd, ya nothing?! :S

el mohim, a friend of my brother was standing somewhere i dunno where exactly, and a guy walked up to him and gave him a piece of paper and said "hatha 3rboon 9ada8atna" Oo my bros friend was like wtf?! :P so anyway he took the piece of paper and opened it Oo faj2a there were some pics Oo the first pic had a guy whos mustache was shaved and had a red X on his face Oo maktoob under it "al nar" and the other pic had a guy who has a mustache and a beard Oo maktoob "al jannah"
now tell me isn't that 100% ta5allof?!
y3ni 3ala keafhum y8arroroon that he's going to hell! 5air! mumkin ykoon a78ar Oo asfal wa7ed bil dnya and you never know mumkin allah yda5lu el janna.

i remember when i was in 6th grade ablatna eddeen told us enno ma n9a7eb "al koffar" :S (keep in mind that al koffar to THEM includes jews and christians :S) so i told her "6yb ana 3ndi some friends that are non-muslims, eash feeha?!" ra7at galat "la tkoneen greeba minhum"
awwalan, yjoon el ablat hathoul yetfalsafoon 3ala balhum fahmeen eddeen Oo ygoloon 3an every none-muslim ennu kafer?!
6yb ayyam el rasool kan everyone around him muslimeen?!
NO! his neighbor was a jew Oo kan y3amlo belo6f even though the guy didn't treat him well Oo kan yermi el zbala infront of his house Oo ma3 hatha el rasool ra7 3ndo when he was sick! ma ra7 gal ma abi akoon greeb ma3 al kafer.
thaneyan, again i was in 6th grade, so keaf tgool el kalam hatha to an 11 year old!
efff bs
7amdilah 3alal 3agl.


Blogger FiFi said...

loool@ ur teacher =S..
If they don't have a TV then wut do they do bil beit? ( I noe Tvs are not everything bs I mean I can't imagine my life without a tv )..
btw there are alot of people that live that way..
no tvs i mean..
They think that this is the right way to raise their kids by not watching il fosoo8 illi 3al tv and this shitt..
( thats wut my teachers used to tell me.. )
ilmohim allah y3einhom..

3:12 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

kl wa7id loh na'6ra 5a99a lildein :p
mdry a7iss 3adi etha ma ysafroon barra..ya3ni bkeefhom 3arafti?
o etha ma yrfarrajoon ella elmajd..again, a7iss 3adi o bkeefhum.
etha mahi ga3da t'39bna nsawwi zayyaha fa it's ok :)

3:25 PM  
Blogger A Walking Coffee Bean said...

teachers r just stupid,
those people are not "openminded", and sure as hell dont use the RIGHT methods of teaching..
oh and an example "modeeratna te'9rob kfoof kteeeeer"
(ymkn 3shaan 7ookoomia)
wjjjjj3 fe shaklaha

and "They just love to ytfalsafoo"
sawyy elli fe rasek
(well ofcourse stuff that aint against ur religion)
other than that they can just shut the heck up!

(kolana mt3almeen oo wa3een oo 3endna a5laag
give the society a chance will ya!?)

4:41 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

i might die if i didn't have a tv :S

madonna ma t5alle her kid to watch tv, wla la2?!
i heard that somewhere.

i know ennu bkeefha, but still it's weird that ppl do that ela el7een :S y3ni it's just tv mo shay.

t'6rbkum kff? :S:S
ufff i dunno what i'd do if she slapped me, awarreeha!!

5:54 PM  
Blogger FiFi said...

I don't know about that.. lol
bs if yes then why =S ?..
She's weird..

3:34 PM  
Blogger DemonEyes said...

i know many people with no tv,not all of them r bad,some of them accept you its just that he thinks tv dosent work for him...he has his own vision.
but the proplem is when they are like the guy that gave that paper to yor brother.
with all my respect t them n i say this as unbiased as possipole,,,they behave like cattle.
they act like white sheep in cattle that think that the spotted minoroty are strangers and thus have no rights in thier field even f they and thier grandfathers lived there.
you see?
they want to monopolize the field.
and...f the spotted sheep give up n leave the field then the next generation of spotted sheep will be homless, even f they find another home they have lost thier right in thier grandfathers field.
and by then....the greater mt7ger majoroty of the white sheep wouldhave already won,and they will claim that the field is(white only).
and that it has always been like that.

its a stupid story,,,but i hope you find it meaningful .

just today i had similar situation with a middle aged man .
staring at me in a very rude way.
(cuz i long hair n very short and light mustache+ wearing (unmanly clothes) ie..not wearing the (manly) thobe).
so i looked back at him with disgust.
and i have a gift form god which is that my eyes provoke retards like that man.
so he opened his window n threw a few rude comments.
and i wasnt ashamed to treturn the favor back to him twice.
he had his wife next to he got offended to be humiliated by a younger (non thobe wearing un-manly person)in front of good old wifey.
that demeaned his manhood.
he got off his car to beat up this (boy=wr3) ,,,he propaplythought (how hard could it be?its just sa sissy boy not wearing a thobe...even if he was nearly as tall as i am...not to mention more fit :P).
it reached the violence stage.
i didnt want it to reach this stage.
i wished f he just sucked up the few comments i made on him n left away but he insisted so.
i had to beat his middle aged lazy (manly,thobe wearing) ass to a bulp.
im not proud of that.but
i mentioned this so you can see how annoying this phenomena is.
the cattle phenomena.
we see it every

(this girl is not wearing 3bayat ras like us she is slut,its her fault f she gets raped.)

(this girl is laughing with her friends in the mall,shes a slut,i bet she wants me n the other guys to throw numbers n few rude comments on her,,,shes laughing loudly then she must be a whore...she would like that.)
those guys who measure your faith by the way you look.
they follow something called:
(al islam al 8shri)
ie: the islam of the shell.
they think that god already signed them a pass to heaven .

this is not my religion.

the sweet prophet stayed more than 20 yrs teaching islam to humanity.

he didnt spend them looking after other peoples beards and womens 3abayas are they on the ras or on the katf.

islam is a LOT bigger than that.
and religion is like mathmatics.
make 1 deed right you get 10
make 1 wrong you get 1 .
and the overall result is what determines where you go.

these people say they worship god and follow the prophets teachings.

f the prophet saw me today and saw a bearded guy next to me.
they think that he will favour the other guy over me?

he will do that only if he was a shallow mentally incompetent idiot
like them.

this reminded me of what many converts tell me all the time.

(thank god i knew islam before i knew the muslims.)

(thank god i knew islam before i visited saudi arabia for hajj n saw the saudi's) .

those new converts think about da3wah and charity.

while other bearded folk are busy with bashing new converts for being effeminate and whorish because of thier dress in the case of men... facial hair .

i can go on forever in this subject.
so ill cut it here and say..

my god is my only master.
my prophet is the only channel between me n god.

and f thry try to bring an extra thing to this equation in any other form other than a councelor,,,the shiekh flan or shiekh 3llan,,then they are not far from being an idol worshipper.

that wouldnt mean id hate them as an idolizer,i accept every1 from any faith.
but i wont accept the likes of them to talk to me about islam and monotheism,,,not while they have another shiek in the equation.
sorry for the long post.

7:28 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe they can't really afford traveling abroad. More than 50% of saudis & the world aren't that rich. And seriously people, don't poke fun at others just because they can't afford a ticket to europe or the states. If she could've been more rich she would be teaching your class.

-No offence.

10:42 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

That is..The fallah way..ya5i style shfeek?, eesh y3arfik bil style a9lan? ..haha, ab'3a asheel el TV min 3indik ((u try to figure out what i mean ;p)) *lmao*..amza7 :P

8:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are just a spoiled brat who is full of you know what….if your teacher doesn’t travel outside the country, is that any of your business, is that something to blog about ?? You are just a trivial person who think the world revolves around you, seeing yourself as being superior to others, I think your parents should have at least taught you to respect your teachers and not belittle them for their personal choices.

10:05 AM  
Blogger Balqees said...

ahm shy your teacher golelaha 7abebty m3 nafsk .. o tara there liars they say they don't have t.v o mn hal5arabee6 but they do do
o tara akbr n9abeen fee aldonya ablat aldeen esta'3frallah .. coz fee almtwas6 i had this teacher elly tegool ala'3any 7aram o la tesma3o o mn hal5arabee6 and do u know what ?? i saw her fee zawaj bnt alklb tehoz haz mo 6abee3e ana tnnnnnn7t lol
o kman mohmthom fee al7ayat alfalsfa :P

11:21 AM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

uff mn jid that was a very long comment, bs elmohim you were right. Oo 7atta ana lamma akoon at a mall or something Oo i'm not covering my face yeg3doon y6al3oon feeni el mdayneen y3ni 5ala9 eff eash da5alkum feeni yoh! you wear your 3abaya bil rass Oo i'll wear mine bil katf, it's none of your bussines ennas a7rar.

she's not my teacher, heyya mosa3edat el modeera, and trust me she can afford a ticket to europe or anywhere else. she wears brand handbags Oo her daughters were in one of the best schools, so 7amdilah mo nage9ha shay.

lol ma fahamt shay :P

first of all, i was just pointing out what she said about her lifestyle, she thinks thats it's a good thing not to have tvs Oo kitha, and i don't. so everyone has their own point of views so i dont give a shit whether you think i'm spoiled or not, cuz a9lan i wasn't making fun of her for not having money, cuz 7amdilah she has money Oo i've pointed this out on my reply to bissa's comment.
second, ka2anno it's MY blog not yours! so i'll write whatever i damn please 7atta law kan the most silliest thing ever.

LOL yeah fe ktheer mo3allemat ykathboon, madri leash :S
7atta my teacher abla kawthar 7aggat eddeen, msawya heya el mdayna and everything Oo i know ennaha she's not THAT mdayna :P

3:46 PM  
Blogger zahrat ilma6ba5 said...

If she could've been more rich she would be teaching your class.
atwa8a3 ga9dik she wouldnt be bs elmohim enno bissa! it was so shallow of u to say that o i know u didnt mean it.
bs what if she is poor ((which u dont know for sure))? is it wrong to have to actually WORK *gasp* to earn money?

oh and tara not everyone works for the money :)

4:15 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

a7san (6) :P

6:57 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

amza7 mo a7san >.<

6:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

no, it's NOT wrong. And please, don't get me wrong. I'm NOT attacking you, your post, nor your blog. I think it's fabolous and has great ideas.
I'm not talking about the whole riligion thing. Bkeefha. If she doesn't want a TV and thinks the devil haunts it. Yes, I DO NOT agree with her ideas about religion. But that is not the point of my comment. I'm trying to tell you that owning designer clothes and bags or being in a prestegious schools does not make you afford traveling abroad.

Do you know that THE CHEAPEST ticket to europe is 4000 (in economy class)? Other than the visa which is 500 per person. And spending JUST ONE DAY in Paris costs you almost 3500 per person?(yes, if you add all the hotel, food, transportation costs. It'll be 3500 sr) Other than shopping/entertainment.
However, maybe SHE IS RICH.Or her husband is rich. Yet they don't like traveling abroad.
Yes, very close family friends of ours own this very famous jewelrey store and estates all over makkah and considered from the top 10 richest arab people DO NOT TRAVEL OUTSIDE SAUDI ARABIA.
So there are people with diffrent likes, dislikes, or hobbies. Yet, I don't think we should critize them for that. If she was a terrible person towards you; post something attacking her awful trashy attitude.
I repeat. I am not attacking you nor your blog.

3:58 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

First of all, no one said anything about you attacking hana's post or blog :)

Why does she have to write a post about abla jwaher only if abla jwaher attacked her? ya3ni why can't she write any maw8if ma3 abla jwaher? Ya3ni it's HANA'S blog :) she can write about anything!

She wouldn't have said "ana o banati ma 3ndina jawazat" if she couldn't afford it.

Again..I still can't believe YOU said this "If she could've been more rich she would[not] be teaching your class."
and for your info, more than 50% percent of saudis ysht'3loon bs 3ashan ymashoon yoomhom. It isn't really about the money.

PS. I'm not attacking you :)

11:46 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

i wanna comment about those who have a beard some of them min jid ykoon fe 8mat el e7tram o u feel so ashamed when u talk to him for no reason o some of them u just wanna spit on his face min a5lagoh
o some times they put the beard just for som3ah or covering some thing on there face o 3la golat sha3er min el sho3ra2
صدق أو لا تصدق
به مطول لحيته .. والثوب يلمس ركبته
وما قرا في الشهر آية

o t`6al el ms2alah kl wa7ed o nyatoh fma yser a7ad ygol kafer 3n AY A7AD

O agolha min jded U REALLY HAVE interesting POSTS wallah halmwa`6e3 hathey knt aby atkalam feha bs ANSA :P

11:33 AM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

صدق أو لا تصدق
به مطول لحيته .. والثوب يلمس ركبته
وما قرا في الشهر آية

3ajabni el sh3r hatha :P

and thanks khalid for ur compliment :)

2:37 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

HEY O ANA!! :|..6yb ana awareek!! -_-

12:20 AM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

6yb ma mada7tni in any way :P

12:50 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

lazim amda7ik ya3ni?!'6am ra2s maali ((moonay=money :P))

3:20 PM  
Blogger Nouph said...

Mmmm.. Ususally when I see people I disagree with in raising their kids such as your teacher, who is not even exposing her kids to TV!! I just thank God for having my parents..

9:59 PM  
Blogger Missy said...

omg gemaat el ta5alof! :s

11:12 PM  
Blogger DETTOL said...

u watch 8anat al majd 97? ;)

11:15 AM  
Blogger rubz said...

sorry hana fe namoosa jalsa tdoor 6ool el wagt o ana agra o maaaaaaraaaa tnrfzt!!

fma gdrt agra kilo!
ifff bgra b3d shwy

7:38 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

yeah lazim (A)

wallah 7amdilah i luv my parents for not turning out to be narrow minded.


who doesn't ;)

marra '6a7akteeni :P

el namoosa mn jd can be a pain in the ass :S

9:16 PM  
Blogger KLEENEX™ said...

:|..well I'm not going to!!, y u ask?! ((i know u didn't ask y :$))..Kitha!, 3nad!

11:59 PM  
Blogger izzy™ said...

urgggghhh...ta5allof...its a pain in my ass..dont even get me started.. i remember my ex-mother in law (may she rest in peace) used to scold my ass for buying layan teddy bears. she sad they're 7aram and i was teaching layan 7aram min so3'raha o al mala2ika ma 7ati7meeha..that im surrounding her with devils.i dunno if thats actually true bs it freaked the shit out of me.
just IGNORE. i still cant get over the 3orboon sada8a thing :P

7:45 PM  
Blogger Euphoria said...

LOOOOL @ the pics!! besmellaah!!

bs I kinda feel sorry for theses kind of ppl, they're not well educated!

11:23 PM  
Blogger Black Orchid said...

dude, your weird :P:P
in a funny way 6ab3an

yeah ktheer nas ygoloo enno it's 7aram Oo kitha :S bs i remember one of my teachers galat that el teddy bears Oo el 5arabee6 hathi aren't 7aram, and come to think of it if their really 7aram ajal what are kids gonna play with? :S

yeah exactly.

btw where have you been? dayman you disappear kitha faj2a :P

1:49 PM  

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