Thursday, January 11, 2007

abla jawaher: ana Oo banati ma 3ndena jawazaat
gurl: *puzzled* 6yb ma tsafroon?
abla jawaher: leash nsafer barra...ngdar n9ayyef fe abha Oo el 6ayef
(err...el7een 3ala balha abha is like paris or something?! :S)
gurl: *no comment*

Oo t5ayalo she doesn't have a tv at home! banat-ha yro7oon 3nd their grandfathers house 3ashan yshofoon 8anat "al majd"
i don't get them, y3ni ya 8anat al majd, ya nothing?! :S

el mohim, a friend of my brother was standing somewhere i dunno where exactly, and a guy walked up to him and gave him a piece of paper and said "hatha 3rboon 9ada8atna" Oo my bros friend was like wtf?! :P so anyway he took the piece of paper and opened it Oo faj2a there were some pics Oo the first pic had a guy whos mustache was shaved and had a red X on his face Oo maktoob under it "al nar" and the other pic had a guy who has a mustache and a beard Oo maktoob "al jannah"
now tell me isn't that 100% ta5allof?!
y3ni 3ala keafhum y8arroroon that he's going to hell! 5air! mumkin ykoon a78ar Oo asfal wa7ed bil dnya and you never know mumkin allah yda5lu el janna.

i remember when i was in 6th grade ablatna eddeen told us enno ma n9a7eb "al koffar" :S (keep in mind that al koffar to THEM includes jews and christians :S) so i told her "6yb ana 3ndi some friends that are non-muslims, eash feeha?!" ra7at galat "la tkoneen greeba minhum"
awwalan, yjoon el ablat hathoul yetfalsafoon 3ala balhum fahmeen eddeen Oo ygoloon 3an every none-muslim ennu kafer?!
6yb ayyam el rasool kan everyone around him muslimeen?!
NO! his neighbor was a jew Oo kan y3amlo belo6f even though the guy didn't treat him well Oo kan yermi el zbala infront of his house Oo ma3 hatha el rasool ra7 3ndo when he was sick! ma ra7 gal ma abi akoon greeb ma3 al kafer.
thaneyan, again i was in 6th grade, so keaf tgool el kalam hatha to an 11 year old!
efff bs
7amdilah 3alal 3agl.
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