eww eww eww eww eww eww eww eww eww eww
thats s3ood bin 3bdullah etha ma 3araftoh.
i don't get how gurls consider him as "hot" :S
he's fugly.
yesterday miskeen my dad was in Makkah Oo faj2a while he was getting back to his hotel cuz kan bil 7aram y9alli, he fell and broke his arm :( this is the 2nd time y9eerlo kitha Oo kaman b nafs el makan :(
poor baba.
Oo t5ayyalo my mom tgool 3anni that i'm "unsocial" bs 3ashan i don't like going to our family gatherings
6yb 5ala9 ana ma ab'3a aroo7 yoh!
marra y6afshooni el nas hnak.
el mohim, am i the only one elli 7assa that blogger 9ayer kinda boring? :/
madri leash.
PS. Valentine's Day my ass.
PSS. 2007 sucks!