Today was the last day for my my friends and i decided to go to was so crowded that it actually made me really sick and disgusted...cuz all the ppl where on top of each other...and i'm pretty sure that ALL the saudi Guys and girls were there on that same day.
All my friends had to leave at about 1:00 pm...but i had to stay for a while cuz my parents were gonna come and pick me up...and by the time they all left...i was waiting in Ladies Kingdom...thinking "where the hell are my parents!"....and then all of a sudden i heard someone scream!...i tried to find where the screaming was coming from...and i found out that it was coming from all the ppl went to look through the gap...and we saw ALL the ppl running...i felt so scared cuz i was by myself...and that i didnt know what the hell was going on in here....and the first thing that came to my mind was that it was a bomb!!....but then i asked a girl beside me if she knew anything that was happening here....and she said that there were some guys fighting and one of them brought a gun with him!!...a!?....and i even heard a girl say to her friend that she saw the gun infront of her eyes!!! ....i felt like i was gonna cry at that moment....i mean what was supposed to do here...where was i supposed to go...cuz my parents werent here yet...and none of my friends were with me at that time.
and the most thing that annoyed so much, is that they didnt do anything to the guy that had the gun....(as far as i know)...that guy should actually be locked in jail!!...cuz someone could have been shot!
After a half an hour my parents showed up...and they were SO pissed...not because of the gun thing...(they actually don't know about that)....they were pissed cuz they've been waiting in the car for an hour...because of the crowdedness...i really wanted to tell them about what happened..but if i did..they would
not let me go out with my friends again!
But anyway, this was my fucked up day!....GOD i wish none of this ever happened!!!