You know the feeling when there's an
annoying and
stupid person in your class that you just can't stand!
Well Mouza (that's not her name, but i'm gonna call her that :P) msawyaltli feeha the "class clown" which she's obviously not, Oo 3ammeti kil shay 3ala keafha, y3ni she comes to school on the 2nd period and she thinks it's okay! and last year she used to skip classes alot Oo ma ygoloonlaha shay bs 3ashan she's al-s3ood!! efff wsh m3na she gets away with everything Oo e7na yhawshoona!!! and i asked my teacher leash ma ygoloonlaha shay Oo lamma7atli enno she can't do anything about it, bs 7amdilah now 9aro yhawshoonha if she did something wrong, yay.
Today, abla Kawthar mo 6abe3eyya, bs t9arr5 3alaina Oo galat ennu e5tebar el 7adeeth and fi8h is on Monday and we told her that we already have a Geography test at that day, Oo YUMMA jalasat t9aaar5 zeyada
"ANA MALEESH DA5L" glnalha ya abla 3ndina 3 exams fe youm wa7id! elli ygool wsho e7na geniuses or something:S b3dain galat
"3NDKUM 5AMEES Oo GOM3A EDRESO FEEHA!" effff te8har!
In the end 7amdilah she agreed to have the test on Tuesday b3d ma zannaina 3alaiha.
Kil youm 3alaya e5tebar:(
Tomorrow: Maktaba
Saturday: Bala'3a
Sunday: 2dab
Monday: Geography
Tuesday: 7adeeth & fi8h
allah y3eeeeeeen